Friday, June 27, 2008

state of mind

I am so very just wiped out in so many ways. My show has really drawn a lot of me, more than usual. I have been acting and doing shows since I was 6 = but this one has really tired me out. Its been a long rehearsal schedule, and the set and stage is very hot, claustrophobic, and crazy!! Now dont get me wrong I LOVE THE SHOW - and I cannot wait for opening tomorrow (and our preview tonight), but my God I am tired. Kinda grumpy even. I dont wanna go straight to bed because I want to stay up with Nicholas as late as I can - because he is leaving soon, and I am gonna miss him. I just have had a rough morning where everyone has told me today what I am doing wrong almost all at once, and I have just almost had it. I am going 13-14 hours a day straight and then getting little to no sleep - and I just wanna have a good weekend, I have all these things lined up, and I just feel a little grumpy. I'll get over it though. Im a big boy and I need to stop whining. I love my show, i love my friends, and i love my boyfriend so much it hurts.

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