Monday, August 18, 2008

Daily Amy 2: Still Performing

The day after the horrific events detailed below, Amy still managed to show up to the V music festival in London, where she was a 2 day headliner. Last year she cancelled her appearence at the festival, but this year she made it both nights. However, it reaked with controversy. On Friday she showed up almost an hour late - and was booed as her concert began by some concert-goers. "I know I am late. Boo all you'd like. But you didn't have to stay here, theres other people performing. If you wanna boo, get it out of your system and leave. I am here to sing." In the end she won the audience over, and they even stayed at the mainstage for 20 minutes after she was done chanting Amy, Amy, Amy - hoping for an encore, but it didn't happen. She looked horrible however, confused, skinny, and like she didn't really know what was going on.

The second day of the festival she looked considerably better, but still showed up a bit late. Reviewers concur that the second show was much better than the first, and the crowd went crazy the whole time. However there were still signs of trouble. Most noteably, when singing Rehab, when she got to the line: "I don't ever want to drink again" - she began laughing uproariously and continued to laugh through the rest of the song. Although its rather fun, I still see it as kinda sad and a bit scary. She was wobbly at both concerts, and nowhere near where she was even a month ago. Here's how she looked on night two:

And here is a video of the Rehab performance I was talking about:

Amy also at both concerts kept talking about how this predicament she is in, is almost over. In 4 months shes said - everything will be fine. "I will be okay people. My Christmas present is going to be my Blake. Blake will have his Amy back, and you will have youre Amy back too."
I hope she can make it that long

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