Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Survey about Me

I thought I would take some time out to make a survey about me, so that those of you who read this know a bit more about me. If you dont give 2 shits, skip it. :)

Personal Information

First Name// Casey
Age// 26 years young
Gender// Male
Nickname(s)// Case and Buttons
Hair Color// Blonde usually
Hair Style// Usually whatever it looks like out of bed
Eye Color// Blue

What is your favorite
Color// Black or Green
Game// Catch Phrase or Monopoly
Song// "Falling in Love Again" - Marlene Dietrich, "Youre Wondering Now" - Amy Winehouse
Music Video// "Back to Black" - Amy Winehouse
TV Show// Survivor, The Sopranos, Nip/Tuck
Animal// Kittens
Sport// Figure Skating
Country// None
Movie// Pennies From Heaven
Food// Refried Beans

Best// Nikki, Sara, Tara, Carly, Nicholas
Funniest// All of the above
Coolest// They are all cool
Sweetest// Nicholas
Kindest// All of them!
Annoyingest// None of the above
Dullest// I dont have dull friends
Stupidest// Nor stupid ones
Most Intelligent// Nor dumb ones.
Athletic// I'll say Nikki (?)

Are you in love right now// boyfriend! the most amazing one ever!
Do you have a crush// my boyfriend, yes
Do you have a stalker// not that I know of
Do you miss someone right now// its his birthday - i see him later

What do you do
At school// I dont go to school anymore thank god
At home// Watch countless reality shows, listen to music, chit chat, movies
Outside// Freeze in shame

Have you ever

Made your own religion// I do day by day
Written backwards// oN
Written your own magazine// No, but maybe I should
Drawn art// Badly
Got angry with a game// Constantly
Played Lacrosse// No
Broken a bone// Yes, my chin bone
Dyed your hair// So many times
Put in contacts for no reason// That seems rather silly
Swam alone// Yes, love it!

Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence// street smarts
Stupidity// Anne Coulter
Depress// None thank you
Blood// Vampire Love
Blue// The ice outside
Gray// A vampires eyes
Sword// In the stone
Golf// BALLS!
Soccer// could care less
Yellow// cat pee on the floor
Socks// with holes in the toes
Ribbon// may pole

Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones// i used to play basketball and baseball over 10 years ago
Have a lot of friends// i am lucky too!
Write good// eh .. not really. i write how i talk
Eat a lot// unfortunately yes
Like the day Friday// sure! but i usually work all night
Like the month December// yeah! its a good month!

This or that
Night or day// Night
Snow or Rain// Snow
Stars or the Moon// Stars
Ocean or Pool// Pool
Boat or Plane// Boat
Books or Magazines// Books
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// YUCK!
Blonde or Black Hair// Black
Green or Blue Eyes// Green
Pants or Shorts// Pants
Pop or Rock// PopRock
Punk or Emo// Punk
Tatoos or Piercings// Tatoos
Necklace or Ring// Ring
Clouds or No Clouds// Clouds
Art or Literature// Art!
Jeans or Baggy Pants// Jeans
Singing or Dancing// Singing
March or May// May
Halloween or Christmas// Christmas
Coke or Pepsi// COKE
Hug or Kiss// Kiss


NOW feel free to post a comment with your own answers so I can know more about you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personal Information

First Name// Nicholas
Age// 25
Gender// Male
Nickname(s)// baby, booby, baby booby, baboo, bash, nico, etc.
Hair Color// dark brown
Hair Style// boyishly unkempt
Eye Color// Brown

What is your favorite
Color// Yellow
Game// Risk
Song// currently...Viva la Vida
Music Video// i have no idea
TV Show// Nip/Tuck
Animal// Elephant
Sport// Tennis
Country// Italy
Movie// Lawrence of Arabia
Food// risotto verde

Best// Dan, Steve, Alix, Katie, Casey
Funniest// Alix or Steve
Coolest// Dan or Casey
Sweetest// Katie
Kindest// Katie
Annoyingest// n/a
Dullest// i wouldn't spend time with them if they were dull
Stupidest// same
Most Intelligent// Steve or Dan
Athletic// Dan.

Boy(Girl)friend// yesssss
Are you in love right now// yessss
Do you have a crush// do celebrities count?
Do you have a stalker// at least two
Do you miss someone right now// yes

What do you do
At school// nothing.
At home// Watch countless reality shows, listen to music, chit chat, movies, read, xbox, kitties
Outside// now? shiver.

Have you ever

Made your own religion// nope. i'm a nice little catholic boy
Written backwards// not da vinci.
Written your own magazine// no, but i read a zillion
Drawn art// i'm an expert at stick art
Got angry with a game// only if i lose
Played Lacrosse// No
Broken a bone// several.
Dyed your hair// it was bright red for a show once
Put in contacts for no reason// no.
Swam alone// never. i am a terrible swimmer.

Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence// my brother
Stupidity// proposition 8
Depress// angsty music
Blood// guts
Blue// casey's eyes
Gray// clouds
Sword// sheild
Golf// club
Soccer// shorts
Yellow// lysol
Socks// cashmere
Ribbon// kitten

Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones// tennis and running
Have a lot of friends// sooo many
Write good// nope. i write well.
Eat a lot// on occasion
Like the day Friday// yes! i don't work.
Like the month December// it's the best!

This or that
Night or day// Night
Snow or Rain// Snow
Stars or the Moon// Stars
Ocean or Pool// Pool
Boat or Plane// Boat
Books or Magazines// Books
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// HAHA
Blonde or Black Hair// Black
Green or Blue Eyes// blue
Pants or Shorts// Pants
Pop or Rock// pop
Punk or Emo// silence.
Tatoos or Piercings// clean skin
Necklace or Ring// Ring
Clouds or No Clouds// no clouds
Art or Literature// they're the same.
Jeans or Baggy Pants// Jeans
Singing or Dancing// Singing
March or May// May
Halloween or Christmas// Christmas
Coke or Pepsi// pepsi is soooo sweet
Hug or Kiss// Kiss