Friday, October 3, 2008

25 reasons to like/hate Sarah Palin

Some horrible woman named Gina Cobb runs a blog called the right wing news. And today she has posted 25 reasons to LOVE Sarah Palin. So, to honor her stupidity, I will post her list .. and then after each one I will tell you why she is wrong and why, yes, you should hate Sarah Palin.

"By her very existence she puts the lie to numerous liberal mantras, such as the notion that women cannot advance without affirmative action; Republicans are sexist; John McCain is out of touch; anyone who loves Alaska's beauty can't support drilling in ANWR; mothers of troops in harms' way want to cut and run from Iraq; and women need government programs to manage marriage, children and work simultaneously."

Here's what I disagree with on this one Gina:
* If Sarah Palin was ugly, say she looked like Barbara Bush, do you think she would be as popular, or the choice of the party? I doubt it. She is attractive and "likeable" (to some), and I think that was just as central in the choice to pick her than anything else. Meaning that they picked an attractive woman with no experience over many other women more average looking, with better experience. And I am sorry, for VP you should pick the most experienced person to help get the job done.. not a woman because shes a woman.
* John McCain IS clearly out of touched. He has appointed a moron as his vice presidential choice.
* No one will say that every mother with troops out is against the war. I don't think anyone has said that. But the republicans don't seem to understand that some do feel that.

"She's from Alaska, a state with a strong libertarian and independent streak."

* I clearly see you are pulling at straws Gina to name 25 reasons we should like this woman. Alaska, although being a large state, is one of the fewest populated. Do you know anyone there? I don't, and I know a lot of people. Theres plenty of idiots in Illinois and I am sure there are a lot of idiots in Alaska. Positive about one.

"She's from outside the beltway. Way, way outside the beltway."

* You see this as a plus, I see this as she is out of the loop altogether. Maybe they dont know about supreme court decisions up there outside of the beltway. Maybe they don't even get newspapers or magazines. If thats the case, then that explains how foolish she looked with Katie Couric. If not, she is an idiot, and you shouldn't love her.

"She knows how to show some dignity and put partisanship on hold when it's appropriate. It's no accident that she mentioned Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton in her speech after being named McCain's running mate."

* Do you actually think she likes Hillary Clinton Gina? Or is it perhaps a political strategy of McCains to get her to praise Hillary so that her voters will switch to the dark side? I hate to tell you, voters aren't that stupid. When they realize that Miss Palin is against everything that Hillary stood for, their vote will not go to her or that dinosaur McCain.

"She's an athlete. She runs marathons."

* Wow Gina. I am now officially starting to make a list called the 25 reasons to hate Gina Cobb.

"She's a working woman who's also loving wife and mother."

* This is true Gina. I think its the first fact you've listed. Well no one can say for sure if she loves her husband and children, although I imagine she does. However this should have nothing to do with her being a good politician. I know you crazy right wingers hated Bill Clinton because he had an affair, however he left the US with 8 years of surplus, something that one of your "faithful and loving" candidates have yet to do in my lifetime.

"She's a young, attractive conservative -- just as Obama is a young, attractive liberal. The left thinks it has a monopoly on young and attractive. Too bad!"

* You seem to enjoy Sarah's physical demeanor. Perhaps Gina you are one of them lesbians. Maybe you should go to Sarah's church so they can "pray the gay" out of you. ... Oh and this also has nothing to do with her being a good politician. (Nothing you have listed so far has actually)

"Her selection knocked Obama's convention speech -- the "biggest speech of his life" -- off the front page, the latest in a series of strategic victories for the McCain campaign (another such victory was Rick Warren's forum with the two candidates, in which McCain did well)."

* Well I live in Chicago, so the media could be biased to Obama, but he wasnt knocked off of anything here. Anyhow even if he was - I would like for you to name one other strategic victory McCain has done. If he has done so much strategery then why is he 9 points behind in all the polls and continuing to slip?

"Some of the usual smear tactics of the left will look especially dirty and petty as they try them out on Palin. "

* Why would it look that way? Are you cutting her slack for being a woman? Did you do that to Hillary Clinton?? I doubt it. Let's not play double standards. There should be no difference between a man and a woman running - they should be equals, as that thing the constitution reads.

"For voters who support Obama because the idea of electing the first black president is exciting, Palin adds counterpoint excitement to the race."

* Gina .. are you a racist? It seems that way. No .. probably not a racist, just a fool. Are you one of those people who only goes to movies that star white people? You know who adds a counterpoint to that? The Bill Cosby show, check it out. Thank God that came on television so black people could watch tv. Before that they just sat around looking at each other I suppose.

"Sarah Palin's husband is a real man with many achievements in his own right."

* Name one. ............. ?

"Palin can only help McCain with fund raising. Many checkbooks that had been closed tight are opening wide for McCain."

* Interesting. The day after her speech at the republican national convention: Obama got 30 million in donations. So apparently she helps Obama too. Thanks Sarah! Also the last I checked, Obama is ahead of McCain in campaign money by over 100 million dollars. Poor McCain .. he needs some more help I think.

"She's a Christian."

* This has to be the worst one on the list. Have you ever heard of the separation of church and state Gina? I doubt it. Its in something called the constitution. You can look at it in a thing called a book or even by searching for it on the interweb.

"Leading conservatives, from Mark Levin to Fred Thompson to Mark Steyn (and about a thousand others), are enthusiastically fired up!"

* Thats fun! Millions of young people, elders, middle age, and people ranging from 18 to 108 are fired up over Obama. Wonder which one counts more? Oh .. I bet Anne Coulter likes Palin as well - why didn't you mention her or that fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh who is gushing over her.

"Somehow, against all odds, a Republican in Name Only has picked a conservative VP, energizing the conservative base. "

* Is it just me or is that not a sentence?

"If Sarah Palin becomes president in due course, her husband the "First Gentleman" really will be a gentleman (in contrast to the philandering spouse another female contender for the presidency proposed to drag along to the White House)."

* First off, why do you care about this? Are you married to both of them? Is this a three way marriage that we haven't heard about until now? OH ... you're up in their personal life. Maybe you should be up in their public life - as in her role as a politician and how she has little to no experience in politics ... or reading.

"So much for the "McCain is just an old white-haired guy" theme. He's still old and white-haired, but by his pick he's demonstrated that his thinking is anything but ossified. Now he'll literally have youth and energy on his side."

* You think? Looking on the poll of young voters aged 18-25 are voting for Obama by 91%. Doesn't seem like he has any youth on his side. As far as energy, he looks winded whenever he laughs, as if he just exerted his days worth of energy. But this is all about Palin - who hasn't helped him in this arena in any way. So its another reason to not like her as a candidate.

"She has a proven track record as a whistle blower and reformer who's not afraid to take on members of her own party when they cross the line."

* The only whistle I know of her blowing is when she was a cheerleader in high school. Only joking. I would be fine with Sarah Palin blowing her whistle and reaching across the desk at the 1 democrat in Alaska. I dont want her ruining it for the rest of us.

"Many Hillary Clinton voters will kiss the Democratic Party goodbye and never go back. Some have already made that choice."

* I am the biggest Hillary voter you will know. I haven't done this. And lets just take Hillary's word on it, why don't we. "Sarah Palin is very exciting, but she is certainly not vote worthy."

"She's not afraid of guns. She hunts and fishes."

* So she is against "killing" babies, but she is pro-gun. But I could see you crazy republicans loving her for loving your guns. Just make sure you don't shoot your best friend in the face when you go hunting next week.

"She doesn't just talk supporting the troops. Her son is a soldier. He leaves September 11th for Iraq."

* My redneck neighbor has 2 sons in the army. Does that make him a good candidate? He is an alcoholic wife beater who smells like a dead fish. His sons are soldiers, who are already in Iraq. God bless those soldiers, but their parents have no right running for office. Neither does Palin.

"She will help with energy policy. She loves Alaska -- and still thinks it's time to drill. At a time when gas prices are sky high, she's a sensible voice who understands supply and demand."

* If she loves Alaska why does she want to rape some of the last untouched land left in our country? Here's the thing about drilling. Every year we use four times the amount of oil that is hiding in this Alaskan land they want to drill. It seems like putting a bandaide over a leg after its been chopped off, hoping it will be ok.

"Sarah Palin doesn't just talk respect for unborn human life. She's lived it. She chose not to abort her son after learning that he had Down's syndrome."

* And that was her choice, sure. But do you think she should be able to make that choice for everyone with a vagina? I don't. She has never been raped, or molested, or a member of incest, or an unwed teen mother who is frightened, or a poor woman who cannot afford her own lifestyle much less a child's. I am not condoning all of those choices, but Palin is speaking for half of the population under the guise of being a feminist. Look it up in the dictionary. You are so far away from being a feminist. You are actually .. an idiot.

"She gives renewed hope to women of America that they will live to see the first woman president. This is especially touching when it comes to seniors who long to see the glass ceiling broken in their lifetimes."

* If I was a woman I would be disgraced. Because as a woman I wouldn't want her to represent for me. She is unintelligent, childish, and inexperienced. She will be disasterous as a vice president, God forbid she gets a shot at being the head honcho.

"She's got chief executive experience in government, unlike Obama, Biden and even McCain."

* What is this experience? OH you mean over Wasilla county in Alaska. Population less than those who live on my street in Chicago. She deserves a gold star but nothing else, other than a kick in the shins.

To view the ridiculous Gina Cobb's full list visit here:

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